Hvordan bekjempe impotens med Potencialex?

Av | mars 3, 2021

Most couples seek out help if the pregnancy fails to work out despite their best efforts. It is usually the woman who goes first to the doctor for a checkup. The man is often the reason for unwanted childlessness in 40-50 percent of cases.

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What are the Signs?

Men’s infertility (also known as sterility, infertility or inability conceive) can often be difficult to spot because there are rarely any physical symptoms. Incipient male infertility can be characterized by a change in weight or swelling in the testicles. A testicles infection or pain in the testicles can also indicate infertility.

Sperm quality is the key to male fertility. The testicles should produce enough sperm to ensure male fertility. A guideline is that there should be 15 million sperm per milliliter of sperm liquid. About one-third should be able move freely. The transport pathway from the testicles through the epididymis to the epididymis, and out via vas deferens must be functional for sperm to reach its destination at the ejaculate.

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Are Men experiencing more Infertility?

Recent research suggests that Western industrialized countries are experiencing a decline in male fertility. In recent decades, the average sperm count per milliliter of semen fell by half. For example, 100 million sperm were found in a single milliliter of seminal liquid. In 2011, however, the sperm density was approximately 50 million per milliliter. It is not clear what caused the decrease in sperm count. There are many possible causes, including lifestyle and environmental factors.

Infertility: The Mother’s Lifestyle has a major influence on the outcome

It is common to determine the cause of infertility at an early age. For example, certain toxins can have an impact on the development of the unborn child’s reproductive organs.

Studies on mice have shown that smoking during pregnancy can cause a reduction in sperm quality and production. This is permanent and cannot be reversed. The fertility of a child born to a pregnant woman who is severely overweight can also be affected. Experts believe that the body stores more chemicals in obese people than in those who are slim. This is likely due to higher body fat. The more a mother takes care of herself during pregnancy and childbirth, then the more fertile her son will be in later life.

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Lifestyle Factors

Lifestyle plays an important role in fertility, not only for men but for all women.

Infertility can be promoted by the following Factors:

  • Little Exercise,
  • Poor Diet,
  • Overweight,
  • Regular use of nicotine, drugs, and alcohol
  • Regular use of anabolic steroids to build muscles.
  • Stress.

It is important for men to not overheat the testicles. It is a good idea to not wear tight underwear and to take hot baths. Also, place your notebook on a table instead of on your lap while working.

Treatment for Infertility in Men

Men can check their lifestyle first if a relationship does not work out. The chances of a successful pregnancy are not increased by daily sexual interaction. This emptys the sperm reservoir, and the sperm count drops.

Experts advise men to avoid testosterone-containing medicines. The pituitary gland stops releasing the so-called “follicle-stimulating” hormone when it is added from outside. The result is a drop in sperm production.

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