What is Gout?

Av | mai 10, 2021

Gout is a very common type of inflammatory arthritis. Gout usually affects just one joint (often the big-toe joint). Gout attacks are characterized by the worsening of symptoms, while gout relief is characterized as periods when no symptoms are present. Gout arthritis is a more severe form of arthritis that can be caused by recurring episodes of gout.

FYRON G1 CURCUMIN + G2 BOSWELLIA is the best Natural Supplement for Gout: Gout Treatment

What causes Gout?

Hyperuricemia is a condition that causes gout. It is when there is too much of uric acid in your body. When purine is broken down, the body produces uric acid. Uric acid crystals (monosodium-urate) form when there is too much of it in the body. They can build up in joints, fluids, tissues, and other areas. Gout is not always caused by hyperuricemia. If there are no signs, the condition should not be treated.

In this Channel you can learn all about Gout: Gout Home Remedy

How can gout be diagnosed?

Gout is diagnosed by your symptoms, the results of your laboratory tests and x-rays. Gout is only diagnosed in a situation where a joint becomes painful, warm and swollen.

Gout presents different Symptoms: Gout Symptoms

Who should diagnose and treat Gout?

Gout should be diagnosed by a doctor or team of doctors who are experts in treating gout patients. Because gout symptoms are not always specific, they may look similar to other inflammatory conditions. Rheumatologists are doctors who specialize in gout or other forms of arthritis. Visit the American College of Rheumatology website to find a provider near your location. After a rheumatologist has successfully treated your gout, a primary provider can often follow up with you to help you manage it.

What is the treatment for Gout?

Gout can be managed and treated with both medical treatment and self management strategies. The following may be recommended by your healthcare provider:

  • Managing the pain caused by an attack. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, steroid and colchicine are used to treat crises.
  • Prevent future attacks. Future attacks can be prevented by making lifestyle and diet changes such as losing weight, cutting down on alcohol intake, and eating less red meat and organ meats. It may be possible to reduce or stop hyperuricemia-related medications (such as diuretics).
  • Prevent kidney stones and tophi formations from chronically high levels of uric acid. Tophi is a hard deposit of uric acid under the skin. People with chronic gout or acute crises may be recommended preventive therapy. This involves the use of medications like allopurinol and febuxostat to lower blood uric acids.

You can also manage your gout by using self-management strategies. Self-management refers to what you do every day to maintain your health and manage your condition. These self-management strategies have been shown to reduce pain and disability so that you can concentrate on what matters to you.

In this Pharmacy you will find many Home Remedies to prevent or alleviate Gout: Home Remedies For Gout

How can You manage your Gout and improve the Quality of your Life?

Gout can affect many areas of your daily life, including work and leisure. Gout sufferers have many self-management options that are affordable and can improve their quality of life.

Gout is a particular problem:

  • Eat a healthy diet. Avoid eating foods that can trigger a gout attack.

A healthy Diet is vital to prevent Gout: Gout Diet