Wie behandelt man Gicht?

Unter | Jänner 16, 2022

Gout is a condition that causes severe pain, swelling, and reddening in the joints and soft tissues. Gout can also affect other joints. This is a metabolic disorder that causes the body to accumulate uric acid. Gout attacks are caused by the formation of uric acid crystals in joints and soft tissues.

This is the best natural treatment for Gout: Gicht Behandlung

Was verursacht Gicht?

Gout can be caused by too little or too much uric acid being excreted, too many uric acids being produced, and/or eating too many purine-rich foods.

1) Reduced Uric Acid Excretion

Chronic renal insufficiency (severely decreased kidney function) can lead to an increase in uric acid and eventually to crystallization of the joints.

2) Higher Uric Acid Production

Various diseases, such as hemolytic disease, can lead to the release of nuclear acids. Due to the increased destruction of endogenous cell, nuclear acids are released and are then transformed into uric acid. The release of nuclear acids from chemotherapy for tumor diseases can lead to an attack of gout. Hyperuricemia can be caused by several drugs, including thiazides and acetylsalicylic acids, diuretic drugs like thiazides and acetylsalicylic, body defense inhibitor drugs like cyclosporin A, tacrolimus, and chemotherapeutic drug against tuberculosis drugs such as Ethambutol, Pyrazamide, or a standard drug to shake paralysis (Parkinson’s disease).

Here you will find more natural remedies for Gout: Home Remedies für Gicht

3) Purine-rich Diet

These foods are high in purines, which can cause urate arthritis.

Animal foods rich in purine include meat, sausage, offal, chicken (especially with skin), and shellfish. Oil sardines are also available. Some types of fish, such as anchovies, herring, and herring, can also be considered.

Beer and spirits. It is permissible to consume wine in very small quantities (one glass per day).

Drinks, cereal bars and yogurt sweetened with fructose/fructose syrup

In this Channel you will find everything about Gout: Gicht Hausmittel

What is the Role of Uric Acids in the Body?

Uric acid, at normal blood levels is an effective antioxidant that does not cause any damage. By excreting it through the kidneys, the body keeps uric acid at a constant level.

Hyperuricemia is a condition in which the blood level of uric acids is too high. Hyperuricemia can be caused by a combination of gout and hyperuricemia. Gout attacks are rare in about two-thirds (33%) of those with high uric acid levels. Unusually high levels of uric acid may not be the reason why some people are not responsive.

Risk Factors

Gout is a condition that affects approximately 2% of Germans. Gout and hyperuricemia can be caused by many factors.

Gender and age. Gout is more common among men than it is in women, and occurs earlier in life. Gout usually occurs in men between the ages 30 and 45. Gout usually develops in women after menopause (between 55 and 70 years old).

The family history. Gout is more common in families where other family members have had it.

Lifestyle. Gout can be caused by obesity and excessive alcohol consumption.

Gout has different Symptoms: Gicht-Symptome

How does Gout develop?

Too much uric acid in the blood can cause gout. The dissolved uric acids then leak out of the bloodstream, creating microscopic, lacelike crystals in the joints and soft tissues.

Uric acid crystals are reacted by the body as foreign bodies or bacteria. Inflammation is caused by white blood cells and other infection-fighting cell. This may look like an infection. The affected area will become reddened, swollen and hot.

Is there a place where Gout can develop?

Gout can affect the following tissues:

  • Joints. Gout can often affect the metatarsophalangeal joints of the big toe. Gout can also affect small fingers and large joints like the knee and hip.
  • Bursa (med. bursae). These tiny, fluid-saturated sacs are found in many areas of the body. They act as a cushion between bones and soft tissue. Gout is most common in the bursae on the olecranon bone and front of the kneecap (medbursa olecrani).
  • Tendon sheaths. These ducts provide nutrients and protection to the tendons of the feet and hands.
  • Kidneys. Kidney stones can be caused by high levels of uric acid. Kidney stones are a common problem in gout patients.

A good diet is important if you suffer from Gout: Gicht-Diät