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Par | novembre 18, 2021

The hardest thing to lose weight is your belly. Although you can lose weight by going on a diet, the belly fat (also known as visceral fat) will not go away. Overindulgence on weekends won’t help you lose weight. But, readers, there are simple ways to get a flat stomach and slimmer body.

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To Lose Weight, eat more Fiber

Sugary foods and refined carbs do not satisfy hunger. In fact, they can cause insulin spikes which will make you want to eat more. Consume whole grains, whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and chia seeds instead to fill up.

Fiber helps slow down your digestion. What is the result? The result? According to a 2015 study in the ‘Annals of Internal Medicine,’ people who have trouble following a strict diet can lose weight by increasing their fiber intake. For men, the daily intake of fiber should be 38 grams, for women, it should be 25.


Aerobic exercise is a great way to burn visceral fat. Running, cycling, swimming can help you burn calories and make you lose weight. According to a 2011 study published in the American Journal of Physiology, the ideal distance to lose weight is 19 km per week.

Even if you don’t value the idea, you can still start walking every day. A study published in “The Journal of Exercise Nutrition and Biochemistry” showed that overweight women who walked for 50 to 70 minutes each day for three months had a significantly lower visceral fat than those who were sedentary.

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Do Weights: it makes You Lose Weight

If you are looking to lose belly fat, it is important to strengthen your entire body. You can build muscle and replace your body fat by lifting weights. Strength training is one of few activities that can speed up your metabolism (the amount you consume at rest).

You can begin with just two sessions per week if you have never tried weight lifting before. As you progress, increase the intensity and frequency of your workouts. Be aware of injuries. Don’t push yourself beyond your limits. It is always recommended to visit a gym to work with a trainer or monitor if you are unsure.

Magnesium has a very important Role

Magnesium is responsible for more than 300 bodily functions. It is also important to regulate sugar and insulin levels. Supplements are not necessary. This mineral can be found in legumes, cereals, and nuts.

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All Day Protein

It was obvious that protein should be consumed at breakfast if you want to lose weight. But, it is not just for breakfast. These foods will help you feel fuller and keep your muscles nourished after training. You should consume at least 70g of protein each day.

Drink Green Tea

Catechins are antioxidants found in green tea that can help you burn abdominal fat while exercising. This was proven by a study that used 625 mg of green tea per day, which is equivalent to two to three cups.

Do Sit-Ups

Crunches won’t rid your belly of fat, but they can help build lean muscle, which in turn will help burn fat. Try to do crunches three to four times per week on non-consecutive day. Between sessions, you should allow at least 24 hours for rest.

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Relax, Stress can cause You to gain Weight

Although stress can affect every part of your body and cause damage, how you manage it can make a difference in your ability to lose weight. Cheskin states that stress’s most significant effect is psychological rather than neurochemical. It makes us eat more because food is used as a way to cope with stress.

Get more Sleep and get better Sleep

If you don’t rest, you get fat. It’s as simple as that. According to a Wake Forest University study, a person who sleeps less than five hours a night can increase visceral fat levels. You should get at least eight hours sleep per night, especially if your goal is to give up beer belly.